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Membership Benefits

  • Unlimited Roadside Assistance

  • Towing, Battery, Lockout, Tire, Fuel

  • Travel Reservations & Trip Planning

  • $500.00 reimbursement in our travel assistance program

  • $5,000.00 stolen vehicle reward

  • $1,000.00 in credit card protection

  • $500.00 arrest bond for small traffic violations

  • $25,0000.00 bail bond for negligent homicide or vehicle manslaughter

  • $2,000.00 in attorney fee assistance

  • Up to 65% off prescriptions, vision, dental, hotel & rental cars

  • Up to $500.00 in emergency room reimbursements as a result of any accident 

  • Up to $54,000.00 in hospital bill coverage if admitted for any accident

  • Up to $50,000.00 paid to you or a family member as a result of death or injury

How Can I Make Money Through MCA?

MCA pays us to refer others to the company; MCA pays out $80-$90 commissions for each referral. Training is provided, so no need to worry about not knowing enough people to refer. We will teach you how to refer others nationwide, and they will come to you for information. All you have to do is post on social media in a certain way about this exciting opportunity and people who are interested will come to you! MCA sends out payments every Friday via Direct Deposit & all you need is a bank account to accept payments.
​Your pay is not based strictly on how many referrals you have. MCA offers 3 different memberships with our roadside assitance coverage. ANY membership you sell as an associate will earn you 200% commission

Tasha Hill & Abbigale Kelo

A Little About Us

Abbigale; I am 21 years old, and have struggled trying to find a job in a small town Carievale, Saskatchewan. After struggling for a couple years trying to find a job i was informed about MCA and made the decision to become an online marketer, and now i have the ability to make money straight from my cellphone. I work from home and have control over my own life.
Tasha; I am a 38 year old mother of 4, I worked for 20 years as a salon owner/stylist and now i just want my time back and my freedom. i was tired of trading my time for money and not spending as much time as i would have liked with my children. I always loved my career and working with people and being creative but i was ready for an opportunity that could free up my time and not depend financially on my passion. With MCA i am able to work from home and spend more time with my children and be more in their lives. I said goodbye to my 9-5 job and said hello to freedom! I am thrilled to have found this opportunity and am looking forward to helping others achieve the same.

MCA Memberships

SECURITY ($9.95/monthly):
First & last month payment of membership total at sign up= $19.90
Your 200% commission= $40

SECURITY PLUS ($14.95/monthly):
First & last month payment of membership total at sign up= $29.90
Your 200% commission= $60

TOTAL SECURITY ($19.95/monthly):
First and last month payment of membership total at sign up= $39.90
Your 200% commission= $80

Total security is the only membership apart of MCA apart of MCA'S referral program, & the only membership that offers you full access training to make money.

It is completely free to become an associate with MCA but you will NOT receive any training in order to sell our memberships & you will not receive the residual pay with your team.

The $39.90 covers your first and last months payments of the benefits, and is a ONE-TIME fee. Which needs to be paid by debit or credit, not including pre paid cards.

We would love to help you with this opportunity, feel free to message to find out more information!

Click button below to join and start taking over your own life TODAY.

What is MCA?

​MCA is the largest roadside assistance service company in the US & Canada. MCA provides plans that offer roadside assistance coverage, towing, traffic ticket legal services, hospital & death benefits, medical & dental discounts, membership group insurance benefits & more!


About Me
Work Experience
MCA Memberships
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